If I understand it correctly, science as science insofar as its belike scientific methodology, he needs to be defended.
I don't understand why you'd want to take a pill to fix something that we know little about.
But I was a really good programmer and I wanted to understand the consumer side of the Internet.
Yeats is, in fact, a far less nostalgic thinker than either Eliot or Pound, at least as I understand them.
I didn't expect it to do this. If you understand why it did what it did, you're half way there.
But you understand what I mean because you've had a remarkable life that no one would signed up for.
If you are expressing an opinion, in other words, which differs radically from my own, I can't understand, according to Gadamer, whether or not you're being ironic.
And the final point I want to make today, and this is very, very important, so make sure that you do understand this.
And by means I don't entirely understand, Uriah Parmelee, in the spring of 1861, was an Abolitionist.
Now,I understand that probably the majority of scholars would say,"No. It comes from a later period."
Let me take an example that I understand better than I understand Coke and Pepsi.
I'm very sorry -- we're turning you into the people who do understand these.
Let's just suppose we understand that clause to be implied in what I'm saying.
We're also going to recognize, however, that insurance got a slow start because-- I believe it is because-- people could not understand the concept of probability.
So I want to try to put this together into a form that I've come to understand what Biomedical Engineering is and present it to you.
Along the way I'm attempting to also to answer the question that people always ask me when they understand I'm a historian about Greece and if they have any interest in the subject.