And if your answer is no, your answer will be no, then you just know you can't use this equation here.
- The answer to that is definitely no -- if they had the same electron configuration, they would, in fact be neon. But we can think about different ions that have this electron configuration.
It says, if answer, sorry, imagine x is -16, ANS is 0 is less than -16, no. So what does it do?
If the answer turns out to be no, it's going to take some sustained argument to settle it one way or the other.
If I had to ask you to choose a-- no, name a famous psychologist, the answer of most of you would be Freud.
You might think the answer to that is no if we are physicalists but in fact it's not so clear the answer is no.
But if the answer is "no," then that means hedonism's got to be wrong.