Just like it wasn't a crazy thing to say if we only had the guy in Michigan.
It's just like if you restrict me to only a subset of numbers, only the odd numbers, still there's an infinity of odd numbers.
What if I just tested to see if it was only, say, one?
If we only ask these questions, we will miss,literally miss an important part of reality, just like you missed the children on the bus in the exercise.
Let's just make sure we understand this, if the other guy is selling below cost, the only way I can make any sales is to price below his price.
Let's just ask the question,Is it true that the soul theory-- if only there were souls-- is it true that the soul theory would at least have the following advantage?
If the immune system recognizes only small pieces of the virus and mounts an immune response to that, how about if I just take these pieces of a virus like some structural subunit, some piece of protein and use that as a vaccine?
如果免疫系统识别出病毒的一小段,就可以诱发起免疫应答,那么如果我仅用一小部分病毒,比如一些结构性亚基 一些蛋白质的片段,来作为疫苗的话,会如何呢
They just create more dynamic community, and helps flourish because if you only have an opinion It's just my opinion and Saed's opinion, you don't like. Well, that's our opinions.
It's like the part of the brain that's responsible for language learning is only around early in development and if you don't get your language by then it'll just run out.
And there are many people in sort of common sense who might think "Gee, if only I could just use my rationality, think reasonably and rationally and not let my emotions guide my behavior I'd be much better off."