God is in control of the universe and if the poem seems -not that Stanley Fish believes in God, but nonetheless his Milton certainly does -God is in control of the universe.
Maybe it could refer to either the poet or the sun throughout the entire line, if you think of the mantle blue as being the actual sky that the sun is able to twitch over his shoulder.
And if you look on that page, about in the middle, this is Enoch describing his foster mother: "'This woman was hard to get along with.
So that's what his tendency is, but if he does that, it's very bad news for his city.
His flinch is not the same response that one would give if one's hit.
All right, so if the other guy is pricing above costs, I want to set prices below his so that I steal the whole of the market and make profits on those sales.
One thing that he always did when he went on his grand tour is he always took fake names, as if he was signing into a hotel as Mr. and Mrs. John Smith.
So if all of these is perfectly understandable from the standpoint of Congressman Barney Frank, So is his recent statements that he wants the Fannie and Freddie to lower the lending standards to condos now.
A prudent man," he writes, "should always enter upon the paths beaten by great men and imitate those who have been most excellent, so that if his own virtue does not reach that far, " it at least is in the odor of it."
It's a secret number so that if Julius Caesar scrambled his message with the key 13, well, then the recipient had better know what that number is or realistically, -- and this is why it's kind of hard to buy -- into some of these age old algorithms, -- what would an alternative approach be to figuring out Julius Caesar's messages to his generals if he didn't know that secret number was 13?
What good is it -- you'll remember -- what good is it, Milton asks, ; "to tend the homely slighted shepherd's trade"; that's, of course, the vocation of poetry if that shepherd-poet is just going to be struck down in his prime as Edward King had been?
Milton seems to have accomplished something in writing Lycidas, ; almost as if he accomplishes it over the course of this very poem; and one of the things that he's accomplished is his ability to see himselfas someone who has accomplished something.
If Player II is playing S2*, Player I will want to play S1* since that's his best response.