If I wanted every stock to have the same volatility, I could just do that, if you will, at the time I wrote my program.
If you don't do that, there's a danger you will learn something you don't have to, and we don't want that.
Yes, if you are going to do that, I would say you are probably will be the first.
And if you do that over the fullness of time, your reinforcement and punishment will give rise to a pig who walks forward.
And if you do show improvement, that will very significantly influence and emerge in terms of the impact it has on your overall semester grade.
So what syncopation is is simply the insertion of an impulse, a "Hit" If you will, at a metrical place that we do not expect it to be.
For example he employer may have said verbally or suggested to an employee that if you do well we'll promote you up and you will have various advantages in the future.
If you do that, you will find this result.
And although I don't really have the fantasy that many of you will read this stuff twice, if you had the time to do it, that would be a wonderful thing to do.
If you do that, you will find there is one unknown, which is v0, and we can solve for v0.
这样就只剩下一个未知量了,也就是 v0,我们就能解出 v0
Good even to be aware of what they don't To be aware of that, right. But most importantly, think about that your passion are about 'coz if you do what you love, the money will follow.