A commercial bank, like a goldsmith banker, accepts deposits--that's critical -and that means you can put money in the bank.
And ironically you sense, when you read this that even though Cain intends this as a rhetorical question "Am I my brother's keeper?"--in fact, he's right on the money.
And so the guys in Office Space took that money and they-- -- their for loop-- way too fast is-- was the takeaway in that movie, when they freaked out because they had million dollars or something like that overnight.
You might have brought in investments or something by borrowing money, so the investment--the combined investment and liability could be very volatile.
Now Spenser's hero in Book Two of the Faerie Queene is Sir Guyon, and Sir Guyon descends into Mammon's Cave - it's a Spenserian underworld - and it's in Mammon's Cave that he is tempted by the money god himself.
Will you be able to do a lot of good in a for-profit organization,not for profit organization, on the board of your previous school, with your money,with your time?
If you put your gold in the care of a goldsmith - initially you don't think you think the money is there.
The most important--The most successful people in finance, I believe, end up giving the money away and that means--you can't consume a billion dollars.
When you buy a house, you borrow the money and you pay it back in fixed-- it would usually be monthly, but let's say annual payments.
You don't want--you know that you'd like to take money away from yourself in the high-outcome years and give it to yourself in the low-income years.
That would be putting it in a real frame and-- wouldn't that be more sensible, because you would be specifying the contract in real terms rather than money terms?
Some people who make a lot of money get self-important- who make a lot of money-- and they end up not making a lot of friends in the process.
If they awarded options that were "In the money" -that means already exercisable at profit -then they would be subject to a tax liability immediately, so they don't want to do that.
Inflation is the most important thing according to many views because the Fed has to guarantee the soundness of the money supply -- and there have been so many cases in history when the central bank allowed debasement of the currency through inflation.
So, ownership of stocks absolutely crushes buying bonds -almost 16,000 times your money or more than 3,000 times your money in the stock market as opposed to 72 times your money or 19 times your money in the bond market or the bill market.