In other words, you don't have to be moving actually in a circle to have the acceleration.
Suppose the particle is not moving in a circle, but does this.
And that's what Neal Cassady was to them at first, a kind of wanderer who wanted to be in their intellectual, but bohemian, circle.
So, actually I want you to go ahead in your notes and circle that zero point and write "not a node."
Now to start with, the plasmid is usually shown in a diagram like this as a circle.
A circle, in other words, is not necessarily a vicious circle.
So, we are talking about a wealthy group, and of course, the thing that struck Schliemann almost amazingly was that in the circle of graves that we've been talking about, he found all kinds of precious things buried.
This describes a particle that's going around in a circle.
The fact that when you go in a circle, you accelerate is what we're learning here, coming from the fact that velocity is a vector and its change can be due to change in the magnitude or change in direction.
When a particle moves in a circle, it has an acceleration towards the center of this size, v^2 over R.
当一个质点在圆周上运动时,它有一个指向圆心的加速度,v^2 / R
That means, it can only be rattling around in a circle of radius R.
也就是说它只能,限制在一个半径为 R 的圆上运动
Whenever you see a particle moving in a circle, even if it's at a constant speed, it has an acceleration, v square over r directed towards the center.
只要看到质点做圆周运动,即使是匀速圆周运动,也存在一个加速度,大小为 v^2 / r,方向指向圆心
It poses other kinds of difficulty, let's say; but in the case of fiction, in order to be engaged, in order to enter the hermeneutic circle properly, we need the element of surprise, as I say, as a way of distinguishing between fiction and nonfiction.
So in hydrogen atom a, I'll depict that here where the nucleus is this dot, and then the circle is what I'm depicting as the wave function.
We're describing the motion of a particle in a circle.
It tells you when a particle moves in a circle, it has an acceleration in a negative R direction, namely directed towards the center.
它告诉你当一个物体在圆周上运动时,它有一个在 -R 方向的加速度,也就是说是直接指向圆心的
If it's going in a circle, you will say from now on, that it, indeed, has an acceleration, even though no one's stepping on the accelerator, of amount v^2 over R.
如果它在一个圆周上运动,你会说从现在起它其实有加速度,即使没有人去踩油门,加速度大小为 v^2 / R
We know it's going around in a circle because if I find the length of this vector, which is the x-square part, plus the y-square part, I just get r square at all times, because sine square plus cosine square is one.
我们之所以知道它做圆周运动,是因为我求出了这个矢量的模长,也就是 x 的平方加上 y 的平方,我就得到了它在任意时刻的模长平方,因为正弦平方加余弦平方始终等于1