And also in a very sort of pragmatic sense, in a negative way, it's tax-deductible.
A sequence of chords that sound good together, kind of make sense together; we could say that sort of march along in a purposeful fashion.
His works seem less theoretical constructing abstract models of political life than advice-giving, in the sense of serving as a sort of civic-minded arbiter of public disputes.
He just sort of plunges you into their speech, into their lives, and you have to, in a sense, work to get into their character to be able to keep track of who is speaking.
But along with this conceptual framework, provided by none other than Thomas Hobbs in England, who had lived through the English Civil War and thought that you shouldn't mess around with this rights business, you need some sort of big powerful monarch there-- but there was a sense inherent in all of this.
The work is not, in a sense, written simply as a sort of timeless philosophical treatise, but as a dramatic dialogue with a setting, a cast of characters and a firm location in time and place.