The last thing you want is to have the other firm undercut you, in an attempt to push prices down.
By extension we have our attempt as readers to arrive at an understanding of the first two books in general.
And early Christianity was an attempt to pull all these things into one unified movement, in some way, to get some kind of uniformity of belief and practice.
It tells you that any attempt to try to specify, to localize the position of an electron in such a system is futile.
The English Revolution came about, in large part, because of King Charles' attempt to impose an alien religious conformity, as well as tighter political control on his kingdom.
The city and soul analogy could be seen then as an attempt to understand how societies reproduce themselves, and how they shape citizens who again in turn shape the societies in which they inhabit.
Plato's dialogues, the Apology as well as the Republic and the Crito are in the broadest sense of the term, an attempt not only to answer the charge against Aristophanes but also defend the cause of philosophy as something of value and merit.
It's this sense of injustice that keeps pushing this elegy in the direction of a theodicy: an attempt to justify the ways of God.