In English it begins with the late novels of Henry James around 1900, in poetry with Eliot and with Ezra Pound.
And anytime you are here in London or a lot of theatres around the UK,
Now the first law is going to hold in all of these steps, and we're going around in a cycle.
Milton seems to have dug around rather carefully in his copy of the Faerie Queene, and he's come up with this illusion.
In contrast, the dissociation energy of a bond for hydrogen, and molecular hydrogen is everywhere around us, we see 432 kilojoules per mole.
Music gravitates around a home pitch and in the Beethoven Fifth symphony we still haven't gotten the home pitch.
音乐的音高一般会围绕着主音高浮动,在贝多芬的第五交响乐中 ,我们还没发现这个主音高
You see most of the cases are in Central Africa and in the region around India, particularly Northern India.
People in the United States and increasingly in other countries around the world, are eating way too much fat.
So I'm going to read passages, and I hope you'll jump around with me if you have the text in your hand.
At certain times, you're going to be seen on film, so the camera is actually going to come around and point in your direction.
He was in the circus going around the country with his big iron rod telling everybody the story as they surrounded him and clapped.
If you go back to the origins of the computer industry, imagine a bunch of guys in lab coats sitting around a laboratory, and these are the smartest guys in the world, and they've invented things.
One of the studies that I did for my first book, Pioneering Portfolio Management, looked at the behavior of endowments and foundations around the crash in October 1987.
Quite to the contrary, it's about being fully present, fully conscious to our life and to all that's around us, realizing that we can be this calm in the center of the storm with our breath.
It's okay to stick around for a while, but if the high point of the story occurs in chapter 2 and then there are another 67 chapters after that, you think, this was not a well-constructed novel.
They can click on the particle and move it around in this 3D space.