Remember you can do it anytime in any place.
The equilibrium state is the one, and it's just one, in which there are no spontaneous changes that can take place to any other state.
But if, at any point, I get to a place in the list where the thing I'm looking for is smaller than the element in the list, I know everything else in the rest of the list has to be bigger than that, I don't have to bother looking anymore.
She, in her place, refused him any help, With the least stiffening of her neck in silence.
Nor do we have any evidence in any other historical place.
And sociologists point out that for a lot of aspects of your life, like getting a job, acquaintances matter, connections matter, and the connections you establish by going to a place like Yale hold you in good stead for the rest of your life, above and beyond any intellectual qualities that this place may offer.
Um-hmm. So, it's going to be the y z nodal plane, or in other words, we can say it's any place where phi is equal to 90 degrees.