Now not only does Phoebus Apollo make a sudden appearance, but he seems actually to interrupt the speaker of the poem in order to correct him.
And the appearance of conventionality is supported by the opening words of the book in his dedicatory letter.
Levi-Strauss writes: Whatever may have been the moment and the circumstances of its appearance in the scale of animal life, language could only have been born in one fell swoop.
Significantly, this picture of Yeats as King Goll was used as an illustration for his first appearance in an English periodical a magazine of art and ideas called The Leisure Hour.
Let's look at the first appearance of Mammon in Paradise Lost.
Now in Kaufman's view the similarities, therefore, between the Israelites and Ancient Near Eastern religion and cultures that everyone was so busily finding and celebrating, these were in the end similarities in form and external structure, appearance. They weren't essential similarities.
It's that moment in which Phoebus Apollo makes a sudden and unexpected appearance.