And in Strauss in attempting to do this will use the orchestra to depict here in this particular case perhaps the rise of human power, maybe as metaphorically represented by the sun, so here is Strauss depicting the rise of the sun.
We are, in other words, attempting to grasp it in a sentence that might read something like, "What the author means to say is--" Right?
This is the first time we have in Christianity someone attempting to say,"This is the authoritative list.
He controls no real estate. He's been banished, yet he is clearly attempting to conquer, comparing himself to Columbus, to conquer in large part through the transformation of our understanding of good and evil, of virtue and vice.
Then it looks like there came a moment where there was a final blow, where whatever was attempting to overthrow these cities and this civilization succeeded, but it was not the same in every place.
Metaphor is the bringing together in a statement of identity of the discourse that's attempting to articulate itself.
What it means is that in understanding a text, we are attempting to grasp it in paraphrase.
It's a question rather of how we know the author to be there, firstly, and secondly, whether or not in attempting we should appeal to the authority of an author.
In the poem that we looked at last time that was the poem Ad Patrem that Milton had addressed to his father Milton was attempting, as you remember, to justify to his father his own interest in becoming a poet.