If we look at two different foods here, broccoli and the brownie on the right, they're of course much different in calories but they're different in other ways.
How do you know what foods are in calories?
It turns out everything around us moves energy around in one way or the other If you're a biological system, you're burning calories, burning ATP.
The ones who would seek out calories, the ones who could store and not waste energy, those with an efficient metabolism-- that is those people who took in calories and banked them into their body fat and stored against subsequent famine-- are the ones who would do the best under these circumstances.
We'll talk specifically about how many calories people are consuming in liquid form which has gone way, way up.
So how many calories, and how much fat, how many grams of fat would you say are in the following foods?
But also, switching out the trans fat in another kind of fat doesn't change the calories at all.
So if you were wanting a pretty precise number on how many calories are in a food, you'd send it to a lab.
As a consequence, and of course there's stuff on them and in them that changes the calories.
Then you can look at the number of calories per --from fat that's offered in the food.
Now you're saving a few calories because you don't even have to do that, so the food environment's changed in a lot of ways.
Calories go in, food gets consumed, the body metabolizes or makes use of those particular nutrients.
By the way, for the Grande Salad, how many of you underestimated the calories in that?
Okay, so once you reach 2 000 calories you don't want to put anything else in.
好的,所以你一旦摄入了2000卡路里,教授在上节课曾提到2000卡路里是正常成年人平均一天的卡路里需求量 你就不会再想吃别的东西了
And what they found was they underestimated by 200-600 calories, the calories in these foods.
We're going to talk in this class a lot about beverages, and it's interesting how the population consumption of calories through beverages has gone way up.
Your body interprets liquid calories different than it does calories in solid food.
In this particular study, we took thirty people who enter in a weight loss clinic and we had them estimate the calories in these sort of common foods.
How many of you were pretty consistent in underestimating the calories?
Now this is a little counterintuitive, because very often people underestimate the amount of calories in things, but what's important here is the-- the error, the size of the error.
Were you surprised by how many calories were in some foods?
So, how well can you estimate the calories in things?
The calorie density has changed because food is processed, so the calories in the fat and the sugar that can get squeezed into things made possible by technological changes has shifted things a lot.
They're the ones who would seek out high fat, high sugar diets because then they would get calories to seek out a variety of food, to eat in--eat above what immediate hunger might dictate.