Condition," this thing in the middle between the semicolons, is going to be checked every iteration of the loop.
It's actually better to spend a certain amount of time just keeping your body in good condition
It's 71 or whatever so that if condition doesn't apply, but now what do I do in this next line?
And also had blind evaluators-- people who didn't know which condition they were in, evaluate how they were walking.
Now, you recall in Bohr the quantum condition.
So much of the pathos of Satan's fallen condition involves his painful memory of that blissful state in heaven from which he had fallen.
So we have this condition that's established in a quantity that we know how to calculate.
It is a condition for Hobbes of maximum insecurity where in his famous formula " "life is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short."
So if we differentiate this object, I'm gonna find a first order condition in a second.
I think the picture he paints of farming reminds us of the picture that Homer pays of human condition as explained in the pot-- the two jars of Zeus.
In one condition you're the only person around.
Modernity is, in his work, a condition of social and psychological fragmentation which is both a private, personal dilemma and a public one, as he understands it.
It's in response to what was deemed to be the chaotic condition of English religious culture that the Presbyterian-led Parliament issued in 1643 the Licensing Act.
Now, the reason this condition always holds in ordinary mechanics is because you're never, in that case, concerned with a huge statistical population of particles where the disorder among them is an issue.
What makes it believable as an account of, again, ? the condition we are naturally in?
And the fact that relations in the state of nature it's synonymous with making it a condition of war, of "all against all," in his famous formulation.