It's 71 or whatever so that if condition doesn't apply, but now what do I do in this next line?
So much of the pathos of Satan's fallen condition involves his painful memory of that blissful state in heaven from which he had fallen.
So we have this condition that's established in a quantity that we know how to calculate.
And the fact that relations in the state of nature it's synonymous with making it a condition of war, of "all against all," in his famous formulation.
We have a couple of passages, one in the book of Numbers, one in the book of Job, which describe this condition in a way that identifies it with death. An aborted fetus is often not often, it happens once in the book of Job.
I think the picture he paints of farming reminds us of the picture that Homer pays of human condition as explained in the pot-- the two jars of Zeus.
In the condition where she was made to look attractive but gave you bad feedback about yourself, often the subjects in that condition would look for an opportunity to interact with her in the future, obviously to try to prove that her evaluation was wrong.
It's in response to what was deemed to be the chaotic condition of English religious culture that the Presbyterian-led Parliament issued in 1643 the Licensing Act.
To me that seems an accurate description of the human condition that is meaningful, not only for the Greeks and their heirs in the West, but for all human beings.
Now, the reason this condition always holds in ordinary mechanics is because you're never, in that case, concerned with a huge statistical population of particles where the disorder among them is an issue.
States stand to one another on the world stage as individuals do in the condition of nature; that is to say, potential enemies with no higher authority by which to adjudicate their conflicts.
This is again the sort of existential condition in which Hobbes wants to put us in the state of nature and all the benefits he lists there, he enumerates, that are denied to us in such a condition, again no knowledge, no geography, no cultivation of the earth, no navigation or building.