When the housing market is in decline, the ability to sell houses drops dramatically.
Well, that's because the housing market is now in decline.
And in the--from 1989 to 2006 there was a pretty significant decline, but even in 1989 the numbers weren't very high.
The Dutch economy, the equivalent would be the decline of the Venetian economic power in the Mediterranean-- and trade with the East diminishes.
And what this is is technically described as a decline in the tendency to respond to stimuli that are familiar due to repeated exposure.
Nonetheless, I think it's safe to say you see a gradual decline in the cultural idealization of virginity and a corresponding increase in the valuation of marriage in this new form of chastity that we can think of as married chastity.
In Dallas, 3% the home price decline was only 3%.
That explains, in large part, why there was such a decline in population, why the Dark Ages were so dark, lots of poverty, lots of starvation, but also, as I suggested when I spoke of this earlier, also the freedom if you could make it, to learn and also to grow stronger.
You said,if we invest in real estate The question is how we've dealt with decline in housing prices.
Now the two things to notice about this are the high spike that you have out here which occurs very rapidly and then the rapid decline in blood sugar, and insulin is involved in this whole reaction.
In the city-states of Venice, which was a major trading city already on the decline, and in Florence, and in Milan, and in Turin, and in places like that you find something very comparable, but Italy is not united until the 1860s.