All right. So with this said, it's probably time to say something in defense of the author.
Hobbes does not praise vigilance in defense of liberty and he denounces all efforts to resist the government.
Who would speak here in defense of Locke or make sense, find a way out of this predicament?
A good example of that is Pollan's book, In Defense of Food, that you started reading now.
All of that is a way of simply saying it was deep and abiding and well-rehearsed thousands of pages were written in defense of slavery.
This is one of the primary strategies that Milton develops, especially in the first two books of Paradise Lost, as a kind of defense against his dependence on classical literature.
Trotsky's Literature and Revolution is a brilliant book, an attack on many things and a defense of certain other things, but in particular and very painfully an attack on the formalists.
It's important to realize--as you read the dialogue, it becomes fairly apparent-- that there isn't so much any defense of the belief in the soul.
Now one of the books that will be assigned for the class is by Michael Pollan called, In Defense of Food, and he spends some time in that book discussing and he has a very interesting take on it.
And Milton's defense of controversy seems in a lot of ways continually to be slipping in to something like a defense of poetry, or certainly a defense of his own poetic practice.
And Dew wrote a forceful defense of slavery in the wake of this, which became kind of a seminal text for all future pro-slavery writers.
A Hobbesian state, paradoxically, still requires from its citizens, men and women prepared to fight to risk everything in the defense of their way of life.
So you think that this is a defense, this defense of private property in land... Yes, because it complicates original acquisition If you only cite the arrival of foreigners that cultivated the land.
He had not only written really quite daringly on behalf of the execution of this particular king, but he wrote another pamphlet, Eikonoklastes , which is a shocking defense of just regicide in general - not just in England, but as a kind of political principle.
The person who does that best is Michael Pollan, and when you read his book, In Defense of Food, he spends some time in the book defining what food is and working through this--this quagmire of how do we define food and what's acceptable to eat, what's socially acceptable, what's personally acceptable.
Now turning to your sheet, in the early, early modern period the poet and courtier, Sir Philip Sidney, wrote an elegant, really wonderfully written defense of poetry, in one edition called The Apology for Poesie.