What the Dutch painters painted reflects in the same way that Renaissance art reflected what was important to Renaissance Italy.
In the mental construction of the Dutch and the English both involves one thing they don't want to be.
Royal Shell used to have Dutch shares that traded in Holland and U.K. shares traded in London.
When I'm talking about language I'm meaning systems like English and Dutch and Warlpiri and Italian and Turkish and Urdu and what we've seen and heard right now in class in the demonstration that preceded the formal lecture.
How it ends up in the long run for the Dutch is that the Dutch cease to be a great power.
The Dutch economy, the equivalent would be the decline of the Venetian economic power in the Mediterranean-- and trade with the East diminishes.
If the dyke goes--here's the image of the Dutch boy with his finger in the dyke.
Wednesday I'm going to talk about exceptions to absolutism, what the Dutch and what the English had in common that gave them very different political outcomes.
They had the highest literacy rate in the world, point, period, the Dutch did.
You've got these warehouses along the canals and here's where the bankers-- the Dutch had the most, along with the English, had sophisticated banking system in the world.
But when you look at the experience of Britain and the Dutch Republic, they do share things that, in a way, determine the kind of political economy that they would have.
At this time the Dutch are sending herrings, these long flat boats, herring ships are going all the way to Newfoundland in the seventeenth century,and Iceland, freezing off the coast of Iceland.
He learned Dutch-- and Dutch is a very difficult language-- in 1696, while the Turkish war went on, or one of them he went off to Western Europe incognito as an embassy soldier.
The Netherlands also resisted absolutism, and the Dutch Republic remained the Dutch Republic; although, for reasons that we'll see later, the Dutch Republic ceases to be a great power in the 18th century.
You're not responsible for these paintings, but we'll illustrate ways in which the Dutch Republic, and their social structure, and what they emphasized, and who they thought they were was very different than, for example, la belle France.
First of all, it's not a coincidence that in both England and in the Dutch Republic you had, along with the city-states of Northern Italy, you had the largest percentage of middle-class population that you could find in Europe.
We know there has to be some effect of the environment shaping language, obviously, because in order to know English you have to have heard English, in order to know Dutch you have had to heard, to--had to have learned and heard Dutch.