Murder is murder in every way and our society looks at murder down on the same light and I don't think it's any different in any case.
There are a lot of perspectives discernible or extractable from this treatise, Areopagitica, from which the fallen state seems in so many ways, maybe in every way, superior to its unfallen counterpart.
It's halfway up Mount Parnassus and it was thought by the Greeks to be the Omphalos, the navel of the universe, the center in every way. Why?
The second one is, you're terrific, you are better than average in every possible way, each one of you.
One way to say it is, every body will continue to remain in a state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line.
What if every synagogue and mosque, church, temple, secular humanist society was involved in congregational exchanges the way that most of these institutions are now involved in some kind of service work?
You don't need to say anything more about the phosphate because they all have the phosphate and every set of these is hooked together in the same way.
What that means is that you would borrow $5,000 to buy a house and in five years and every year along the way you'd be paying interest on your mortgage.
Virtually every major anatomical change-- think about that for a minute-- every major anatomical change that has existed in humans can be related in one way or another to how foods are acquired and processed by the human body.
The natural desire for fame seated in the breast of every true scholar usually pushes him to make haste by the readiest way of publishing and divulging conceived merits.
We also favor our group over others in every possible way. You are a member of many groups.
No, they weren't like that, the Greeks were ahead of them and it's evident that they borrowed stuff from the Greeks in every element of life, although it didn't shape their lives in a potent, fundamental way.
Not every plasmid in your test tube is going to have the right gene inserted in the right way.