As in Sonnet Seven, Milton writes the first verse paragraph of this great poem, Lycidas -- the first fourteen lines - in essentially the form of a sonnet.
This monumental novel about 20 hours in the life of an average man can be read and appreciated like any other great novel once its framework and form are visualized, just as we can enjoy Hamlet without solving all the problems which agitate the critics and scholars."
For those of you who still do believe in the existence of souls I suppose you could take a great deal in discussions that follows as some form of large conditional or subjunctive if there were no souls then here's what we have to say.
Finally, Milton's poem is late by virtue of the simple fact that it's written in the form of an epic. An epic might have seemed like a great idea when Milton was nineteen, but by the time Milton gets actually around to writing it, it's an entirely superannuated, utterly outdated form.