This is a poem written in the depth of the Depression and also at the height of Frost's fame.
And when my dad was here, he was in like, the sort of height of his crazy phase.
It reminds me of a joke about the statistician who drowned in a pool with an average height of 10 inches.
General Motors at its height, when I was growing up in Flint, Michigan, in boom times, would've wished it could've said that.
Need to get the base in. Second thing I want to do, I need to get the height, so I'm going to input a value for the height, also as a float, a floating point.
And by occasion foretells the ruin of our corrupted Clergy, then in their height."
The first is obviously Marx against the backdrop of the first great Socialist Revolution which eventually resulted in the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, when the Russian formalist movement was at its height.
Living in Florence, the center of the Renaissance at the height of the Renaissance, Machiavelli wished to do for politics what his contemporaries, like Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, had done for art and sculpture.
He was the average height of most people in France.
So because of my height, in school, they would give me the ball.
So, we know in this example the initial height should be 15 meters and the initial velocity should be 10, and for acceleration, I'm going to use -g and to keep life simple, I'm going to call it -10.