I got interested in that particular question because one of our former PHD students who is now at Texas A&M, asked me to give a lecture on that subject in honor of some anniversary of the universities.
Does it suggest that England's history and its heritage and its honor are in jeopardy?
Milton was the only Cambridge poet to honor Edward King in that memorial anthology by writing a poem in the pastoral mode.
And the most important thing in the Southern code of honor, I think, safe to say, was reputation.
She may not use God's name in a false oath, to attest to or swear by a false oath. She is to honor God's Sabbath day, and honor parental authority, which is arguably an extension of God's authority.
This problem has been brought out, I think brilliantly in a recent book by a man named James Bowman, a book called Honor: a History.
So, you have this tremendous continuity between the sort of the honor code that was so dominant in the Homeric world, which has now been shifted to the larger unit, which is the polis.
That in the matter of honor these men practice delicacies and refinements unknown in the North.
The cave of Mammon is the home of Mammon, the money god, who stores in his cave all of the wealth and all of the honor that human beings spend so much energy striving for.
Edward King, in fact, seems to have been sufficiently well liked or admired that when news of his death hit Cambridge, a group of his friends organized something like an anthology of poems in his honor.
That is to say,the reward of good behavior the admiration and the honor that a hero gets, and the most serious punishment he can suffer is to be shamed in front of that community.
Well, honor in the Old South.
Honor, in most societies, is thought to be not merely a personal quality, something like medieval chivalry but is above all group honor, the honor that surrounds the family, the extended clan, or the religious sect.
And one reason Bowman believes this is that we have such a difficult time in understanding other peoples and other cultures is that the very idea of defending one's honor has largely been devalued in the modern west.
She's released from her paralysis and she proceeds happily with her brothers, by the end of the poem, to honor their father in Wales.
The Athenians loved and respected him so much that they gave him the almost unheard honor of burying him right on the spot where he fell in the field, and thereafter, his name was always followed with glory, admiration and devotion.