Here, the issue in this poem is grief, how the mother and father each express how they deal with the death of their child.
Both of our specific issues within a larger issue or about who said what in given conversations.
Every once in a while we'll bring up an issue of well, how has this been interpreted over the centuries?
So hopefully, it was a time issue in terms of looking at the periodic table, because let's have you tell me what are we looking for here?
This of course brings us to the issue of "gaps" and the role that they play in the act of reading as Iser understands it.
There's never been a successful third-party political culture take hold in this country without one really big issue to drive it.
They want to issue them "Out of the money" and then announce the news that brings them "In the money."
And we might see how the females in the class feel about some issue compared to the males.
This issue received a kind of classic formulation in Aristotle's distinction of what he called the good human being and the good citizen.
But the first key issue is that it's good in and of itself-- almost needs no justification.
Now, another issue that emerges in discussion of these kinds of battles is the casualties.
The second issue is that the gene vector, in this case the plasmid, has to be compatible with the cells that you're trying to express the gene in.
So this is a relevant issue in a lot of businesses.
So historians can and in fact have many times taken issue with a lot of Weber's historical claims. But he's invaluable, as the critic John Guillory has argued, for our purposes in the understanding of Milton and of a lot of the cultural business of the seventeenth century in general.
And that's such a good question I'm going to defer it. I'm going to talk about it in a few minutes because that's actually--That speaks to the issue of the scientific assessment of Freud so I'm going to try to get to your question in a little bit.
You know, this whole issue about, especially with what happened in Japan.