Well, there is a sentence for you and, as I say, I don't have time to explicate it but I commend it to you as a possible paper topic if you're still in need of one.
because the Earth is in need of people becoming more aware of what it needs.
The government taxes people and it takes some of the money and redistributes it to people in need.
So, which atom is in need of those lone pair electrons?
This analysis has explained why people don't always help others in need.
So we would pair off students with Hispanic families in need,
I can take you and immediately start designing batteries, because we need ions in motion, we need small ions in motion.
The very fact that I need to know it in particular is what makes me need to know it negatively.
But if I did have two lines of code or more, I would in fact need to put those back.
After all, even these heroes need communities in which to live for all the various purposes that human beings do.
If they're going to survive thinking about this case at all, we need to throw in a no branching rule.
But we need to add in homeland security event so let's find the event for Friday of the following week.
I think it's important for us to see that we need food, people in Japan need food, people in China need food.
So we don't really need to put in a certain amount of heat and change the temperature of the products and the calorimeter and so on.
Please check it, that's where everything's going to be posted in terms of things you need to know.
You guys are engineers. You are used to come to the office 10 am in the morning. No. Starting from today, you need to come 9 am in the morning and have a meeting with me."