Frost, when he goes north of Boston, goes back to the country, goes in, in a sense, the opposite direction that America is going.
But you're going to know that the value of that in the market moves opposite with interest rates.
So we know that in each case the heat is going to be the opposite of the work, but the work isn't the same in these two different ways of getting from here to here, right. So let's just see it explicitly. Here's our qA.
It's a little easier to hit the ball hard to the opposite side from the side which is your foot and that's the same principle in baseball.
It could be the response is 'there's something dangerous in the environment, we got to move away', and so the response is for the cell to crawl in the opposite direction.
One, its chain is oriented in the opposite direction: where this one goes 5' to 3', this one goes 3' to 5'.
一,这些DNA单链,方向相反,一条从5'端到 3'端,另一条从3'端到5'端