You've read the short article he has in the Jewish Study Bible, but he's also written about this at great length in other places.
Whereas in other places of the city, you know, they might be a little bit bigger, a little bit more elaborate or laid out.
I'd like to give them a name, so I can refer to them in other places.
There's even eating meditation, you did it once with me, and I've done this in other places where you take a raisin and you put it into your mouth, and you take a minute to eat this raisin.
In other places, infectious disease is a much bigger part of their life and a much greater risk of death from infectious diseases and parasitic diseases if you live in places other than the U. S. or Western Europe, for example.
So it's really based on ability a lot more than in other places.
But sports isn't as big here as in other places,
Generally, you wouldn't find these kinds of paintings in other places.
So wherever you see '"LORD" in small caps, that's actually the English translation for Yahweh, the proper name, like almost a personal name for God. And then in other places we have this word Elohim, which actually is the word for "gods," a sort of generic term for deities in the plural.
In terms of talking about the electrons, I wanted to point out that in the book and other places you might see electrons referred to as photoelectrons.
Now, you may know that New York City and other places around the country have enacted regulations to stop Trans fats being served in restaurants.
Already by 1825--that early the South was the world's largest supplier of cotton and fueling now this Industrial Revolution in textile production in Great Britain and other places.
In Pynchon, often, these are somehow social details about people talking to other people, political things, places, and how houses are arranged.
Is there any particular reason that you prefer living in San Francisco to other places?
How are the housing prices different here compared to other places in London?
which is pretty low in comparison to some other places,