These are poems, in other words, that come with little labels to tell you what they mean and what they're about.
But the two others axis, per the syllabus that we'll explore in great detail in the course and also these are the axis along with which we'll evaluate your submissions are design, in other words how well implemented is this?
It's how quickly, how promptly we can recover from these painful emotions-- in other words, how strong our psychological immune system is.
In other words, I'm arguing that the saturation of these speeches with signs of words, language, speaking, words, books, is just the dilemma of the character.
So you know, what the second law is doing, in other words, it's putting these restrictions on how well or how effectively we can convert heat into work in the case of the engine, or work into heat extracted in the case of a refrigerator.
In other words there was not enough data on these things, in other words, with other conventional mortgages, you have data covering peace and war, prosperity and depression and so forth and you can follow these data back for decades.
In other words, these energy states are not filling just in ascending n number.
In other words, Descartes is still thinking along these same lines.
So in other words, if you terminate these lines early, if you terminate the four loop early, if you terminate an if condition early with that semicolon, the code may very well work; and this is a common source -- of frustration and conundrum because you don't -- because your code looks right and yet it's misbehaving, but that semicolon means stop looking for subsequent lines of related code.