Likewise, the gifts--the other foods and pleasing odors attracted and maintained the continued presence of God in the sanctuary.
But the second is a desire to attract and maintain the divine presence, the continued presence of God in the sanctuary.
Embarrassment tells us we're in the presence of the excess, and that's why Beat writers court it.
So iron left to own devices in the atmosphere in the presence of a little bit of water, with the water form iron oxide.
When people say everyone dies alone, they don't mean to be saying you die, but not in the presence of others.
And so probably does each animal feel about the particular things it tends to do in the presence of certain objects.
Let me remind you of that other intrusive moment in the poem, the moment when a figure whose presence we hadn't been aware of suddenly made -suddenly asserted himself.
In the case of great philosophers, however, better yet to preserve one's physical presence in order to inspire future generations of thinkers.
In the presence of this ligand, this molecule, it's open, it allows transport of this ion, when the ligand is gone it doesn't.
Do you think there is something about the people who in a situation of depravation that makes them more inclined towards acknowledging God's presence?
Especially in the presence of operator overload.
but in the presence of the modern food environment that provides access to these things, and to foods like a pop tart with fifty-six different things in it, the body gets thrown off.
Several things come to mind. First of all, the Greeks now live in places where they never lived before and their presence has a real impact of a different degree in every place.
You'll probably remember that he says early in the essay that in order to recognize that we are in the presence of something that isn't merely within our own historical horizon, we need to be "pulled up short."
Blessing and benefaction flow from God's presence in the midst of the community in his sanctuary: when he is there, there is blessing.
It's with this image of a brooding impregnation that Milton announces the presence in his poem of his most potent, what I think is the most interesting, theological innovation that he comes up with here.