I calculated in Hector Davis's account book that the biggest week he had and he had some big weeks but he had a week in 1859 where he made a cool, approximately,$120,000.00 in profit, just from selling slaves.
Now incidentally, in a for-profit corporation-- this is how to understand this, this is a concept that is enshrined in law.
The master had commanded his servants, of course, to do something - to show a profit in a due and timely fashion, but Milton wants his friend here to know that there's, of course, nothing to worry about.
Each of these firms is trying to maximize profits, but how about the total profit in the industry?
But it was completely obvious that that was where the profit was shifting in the industry.
But in any case, it is a profit, but it's no good if it's going to spoil.
And on Friday, this was how we started with every session, with every world leader, whether in business, whether in non-for-profit, whether in politics.
If the profits are the problem, then the Non-profit could come in and under cut all the and lower the cost to us all.
But at the last moment, His brother Judah convinces the brothers that, if instead of killing him, they sell him, they can profit a little for their troubles. So Joseph is sold ultimately ends up in the household of Pharaoh in Egypt, and his adventures there prove his meritorious character.
Yale University is a non-profit corporation; the price of a share in Yale University is undefined-- it's zero over zero.
It's for-profit and the theory that we have in capitalist countries is that this is a good model.
This industry that's got a lot of profit around it, what going to happen in this industry?
In a for-profit corporation, the purpose of the entity is defined as profit for the shareholders.
Mammon is the profiteer. Mammon is the goldsmith's son who wants to invest his talents with labor and with hard work in order to showa profit.
And if you see all the profits of the pharmaceutical companies and hospitals and all that, there are thousands of Non-profit-making institutions in this country.
Will you be able to do a lot of good in a for-profit organization,not for profit organization, on the board of your previous school, with your money,with your time?