So in this context, the river of oblivion serves an obvious purpose in the context we have here in Book Two.
In American law, you cannot terminate an employee, for the sole purpose of age.
This is how we address that purpose of education to give students an opportunity to apply in practice what they have learnt.
And so you get to build your own special purpose programming language that helped you solve your problems in biology or finance or whatever,
And he wants to emphasize Hanson himself has a farm that specializes in grapes for the purpose of producing raisins.
But the introduction, "You shall be holy for I the Lord your God am holy"--being holy in imitation of God is emphasized repeatedly as the purpose of the laws in the Holiness Code especially.
Now ultimately, the purpose of investing in a share is to get the dividends; that's the whole named purpose of the corporation.
If you're writing a one line function, whose sole purpose in life is addition, and, clearly, this is about addition, well, then it's, in fact, A reasonable to use a shorter symbol like A, but I do have to specify it's type.
The purposeful is the purpose of the object in practical terms.
The purpose of a good law is to facilitate human agency in some ways.
The purpose here is to look at a series of processes in which temperature is held constant, and we're going to calculate how much work we get from allowing a gas to expand under various conditions.
The ostensible purpose of this sentence at this point, as I take it, in Milton's argument is to explain the importance of censorship; but surely this sentence has an entirely different effect on us as readers, a different effect than the syntax or the logic of this sentence may demand.
So I always regard one purpose of this class to help hapless Yale students in their dating strategies.
And its purpose in life is to maybe take input and maybe produce output.
I'm sure they sold it in various forms, but one of the most popular was for this purpose.
In a for-profit corporation, the purpose of the entity is defined as profit for the shareholders.