Again,getting rid of the negative does not guarantee us the positive, which is why already in the 1940s, wrote that most men lead lives of quiet desperation.
See the merry limbs in hot Highland fling Because some wizard vermin Charmed from the quiet this revel When our ears were half lulled By the dark music Blown from Sleep's trumpet.
I want it perfectly quiet in here.
Again, deep breath in; slow, gentle, quiet breath out.
Haze poked his toe in his side, and he wheezed for a second and then was quiet. "Two things I can't stand," Haze said, "a man that ain't true, and one that mocks what is. You shouldn't ever have tampered with me if you didn't want what you got."
Secondly, as we go to the more advanced part of the course, we'll take a result from this part of the blackboard, stick it into the second part and keep manipulating, so if I screwed up in the beginning and you guys keep quiet, we'll have to do the whole thing again.
Colony is a Latin word ultimately for colonia and the Roman colonies were, first of all,garrisons that they planted in land they had conquered to keep the people quiet.
I've read a lot of research in this area about the importance of quiet times whether it's in a class, in a lecture, whether it is at home, whether it is for a leader in the business, for relationship, for children starting from pre-schools.