It's in relation to all of these forms of lateness that we can best understand the opening invocation of Paradise Lost.
but in relation to the other schools, we're very much focused on government service
Yeats develops this idea or develops another version of it in a somewhat earlier poem that's interesting in relation to this one.
Language of this source is a device, and in relation to other devices it's called a "function."
One thing that I want to mention that is really important is once you have double bonds, what happens between those two atoms in the molecule is they can no longer rotate in relation to each other.
Notice in that sentence, he uses those Aristotelian terms, " "form" and "matter" that we spoke about in relation to the Aristotelian regime.
So, in that relation, I'd like you to think about the representation of America in the novel.
We have to understand--in understanding the progress of financial technology-- is its fundamental relation to information technology.
We looked at its relation to the new career that John Milton ended up assuming in the late 1630s: this new career as a polemical writer of political prose.
Simply where and how they stand in relation to each other as they speak is important.
He goes in a sense in an anti-modern direction, maybe even in some sense in a reactionary direction, at least in relation to other poets' ideas of progress and innovation.
Well, how does Yeats stand in relation to the events he's describing?
They share solitude, solitary, too, in their relation to each other.
So there is a certain pattern in--and of course, I invoke this pattern in arguing that Levi-Strauss's version of the Oedipus myth betrays his Oedipus complex in relation to Freud.
It's something that comes in belatedly just as langue comes in belatedly with relation to speech.
He's a PhD candidate now in Economics and he's doing his doctoral dissertation on stock analysts' recommendations and the relation to returns in the stock market.
In other words, they probably bear a distant relation to the semiotics of the stoplight, and that's probably why red was chosen for ambulances and police cars: because they put into your head the notion of "stop."
It stands in a relation of opposition to other regime types and as a consequence the possibility of conflict of tension and war is built in to the very structure of politics.