In that respect, it has a kind of priority over the hells or the underworlds of Homer and Virgil.
Can the strength of numbers, as well as respect for reason and a better argument be, ? in some sense, harmonized?
Respect for others' beliefs and freedom of expression are sometimes in tension with critiquing those same beliefs.
Therefore, humans, according to Genesis 1, were created vegetarian, And in every respect, the original creation is imagined as free of bloodshed and violence of every kind.
So technology is a powerful force in our society and I respect power of this kind.
The similes are continually working to unleash -and they're really quite unruly in this respect -to unleash the moral and the theological confusion that so much of the rest of the poem seems really quite eager to pin down and to fix.
He's taken to the beautiful city on the island of Scheria, Phaiacia, and is treated with great respect as you're supposed to in the Mycenaean world.
When you have a velocity in the moving plane frame and you want to find the velocity on the ground, you should add to every object in the plane the velocity of the plane with respect to the ground.
In other words, the order of taking the derivatives with respect to pressure and temperature doesn't matter And what this will show is that dS/dp dS/dp at constant temperature, here we saw how entropy varies with volume, this is going to show us how it varies with pressure.
In this respect it seems to me much less like just a branch of political science than the foundation of the entire discipline.
In this respect, it would seem to be the sort of perfect bookend to the Apology.
And, in that respect, Hobbes' sovereign has many of the features or characteristics that we come to associate with what we call modern executive power or executive authority.
In short you might say a lack of civic piety or respect.
It used to be that there was zero inflation if you define it with respect to gold and they were really true to that zero inflation in terms of gold.
We start with the most abnormal of them in this respect.
How is a city like a soul and in what respect is self-governance, the control of one's passions and appetites, in what respect is self-control ? like the governance of a collective body?
We'll be doing this in one week, and the disjunction between the two works, this disjunction at least with respect to their treatment of the Fall, should dramatize the nature, or just the enormity, of a lot of the conceptual problems and conflicts that Milton is tackling here.
I say this now with great confidence but ten years ago this story, which all the Greeks agreed too, agreed upon in every respect, that the temple of Apollo was built right on top of this, and underneath the floor of the temple was this little room where the gases came up, where the priestess sat, where all of this came up.
It seems to be presented entirely innocuously, no one in the dialogue objects to it, yet everything else follows from this idea that the city, the polis, is in the central respect like an individual, like the soul of an individual.
And the point is that the second derivative of A, with respect to V and T in this order is the same as the second derivative of a with respect to T and V in this order.