It was granted a monopoly on joint stock banking by Parliament in return for giving war loans to the government.
So in the time of declining resources, we might look what we were doing with what we get in return for it.
A managed portfolio, you find somebody you think is really smart and you pay them a fair amount of money and in return they assert that they will pick winners for you, and in fact, you will outperform the stock market.
Suppose someone has been investing money for n years and xi is the return on the investment in a given year.
It's defined in CS50's library; its sole purpose in life is to ask the user for a floating point value and return it.
- Then you declare a float called f and then assign it -- -- let me scroll up for the folks in front -- that give return value of GetFloat.
Course assistants as we use the jargon are alumni of CS50 who return to the course for a couple of hours a week having taken it in prior years, to help you, the newest batch of students, one on one with office hours, with problem sets; and similarly do the CS function as they might in many courses.