It's basically just kind of an uncomely family battle royal, in which there were bloody settlings of scores.
基本上皇室家族内部 人们不择手段,数十载血雨腥风不断
that will compensate for less stellar scores or letters of recommendation or whatever in other areas.
And, likewise, there will be a test running from 1:05 to 1:55: two different tests of comparable difficulty. I did this last year, and the difference in the scores on all three tests 1% was less than 1%.
The children were chosen at random but the children who were described as showing-- as expected to show a jump in IQ, in fact, did show a jump in their IQ scores and this isn't magic.
They would say there is a low correlation between SAT scores and grade point averages in college, or maybe it's a high correlation.
It couldn't be that people who have high SAT scores tend to do poorly in college.