You'll remember that in his search for immortality Utnapishtim Gilgamesh sought out Utnapishtim, the one human who had been granted immortality.
We wanted to quickly catch up and surpass everyone in terms of search quality for Chinese users.
It's an example of a very common tool that's going to be really useful to us, not just for doing search, but for doing a whole range of problems. That is, in essence, the template the describes a log style algorithm.
And by now we've gone rather far afield in the search for an interpretation of that claim.
The story of the first human pair in the Garden of Eden, which is in Genesis 2 and 3 has clear affinities with the Epic of Gilgamesh, that's a Babylonian and Assyrian epic in which a hero embarks on this exhausting search for immortality.
As she goes further and further in to her search for knowledge-- - and finally her abandonment of that search of knowledge-- she sees more and more that this is not just pattern, that it's these storm systems of suffering and need.
At the time of the IPO, Baidu had about 40% of the traffic share in China for Chinese search.
From time to time, they wandered to Egypt or Mesopotamia often in search of pasture for their animals. And various details of their language, their customs, their laws, their religion, it's argued, seem to fit well into the period of the Late Bronze Age.
So, you can have a kind of system of symbols that's gemlike and pleasurable and that calls you to submit to it as it does here for Oedipa, but in the end there is something more that her search will produce, and that is the moment of compassion.