Oh, there are sign-in sheets there. Thanks.
So this program, if you run it based on intuition or little cheat sheets in front of you, what is this program ultimately going to do for me?
So again, do three of these and then write about them in your concept sheets.
Then when you're done you print the page, and we have a special instruction for that in just a moment, and then you'll have what you need for the concept sheets.
For example, the teaching fellows will divide all the concept sheets in week one, and one teaching fellow will grade part of the alphabet and another will grade another part of the alphabet.
We tolerate a lot of variability in the concept sheets because this is your opportunity to be creative and to think about whatever you're reading or hearing the lecture that week, so there's no specific format to follow.
By the way, when we turn in concept sheets each week you'll have the option of turning them in either on Monday or on the Wednesday of that week, whenever you choose to do it is fine.
Then at the end of the day what you'll get is something that looks like this which will be a whole day's worth of food intake and then this is what I'd like you to print out and then write about in your concept sheets.