I basically gave them free ray at the beginning, so they work in small groups, and travel from site to site.
We also have simulations, software tools and many other learning objects that is in the site.
Here the unique thing was that there's a restriction site inside that is present in normal DNA and not present in sickle DNA.
And then now they've put in a centre de memoire, sort of a memory site there, that's kind of slick but it's fine.
Crevecoeur made the North the site of the true essence of what he saw as this new American man being born in America, not in the South.
In 1848 he was working at a site with explosives and iron rods.
So this is perhaps a site that some of you have spent way too much time on last year, if not in the past week or so, com this is isawyouharvard.com.
And they got a little bit of information about each site according to what they were interested in.
That is the most fertile part of the country, but it was also the site of many of the most bloody battles in Israel's history.
Again, in the context of a specific tissue site, in this case it's the nervous system.
How we do that will be clear in a few minutes, but this polylinker as is described down here is a site where you can clone in genes.
It's too early to tell what the impact on learning will be from open course ware but we know from messages people have sent us that educators see tremendous value in being able to use the site to build work upon others.
Well, it would be useful because if I could take cells from the skin, find stem cells in the skin and then de-differentiate them so that they were now capable of becoming liver, or brain, or things that they're not going to become in their normal site, then that could be a very powerful tool for medicine.