In calling him here the Tuscan artist, in some respects we can see him forging an identification between himself as a literary artist and Galileo as a scientific artist.
It's been boring in some respects,
The democratic faction he tells us believes because all are equal in some respects they should be equal in all respects.
It was, in some respects, for me anyway, it was harder than the immediate aftermath of 911, because 911 felt like an discrim event, like there was an attack, we recovered, there was a response.
The oligarchs he tells us because people are unequal in some respects they should be unequal in all respects.
So Aristotle seems to be offering, in some respects, a kind of criticism of the kind of states with which we are most familiar.
that you were coming in to study what he calls "the master science " " the science of sciences " in some respects. It is that priority that Aristotle attributes to the regime that I think is what distinguishes his kind of political science from that of today.