Milton wants to write an epic that in some ways comes before, or prevents, the great epics of Homer and Virgil.
I'm actually in some ways glad that I do have this sort of structured, rigid class situation
And all these political considerations or policy considerations, in some ways, are coming together in President Obama's council.
You can read Jeremiah and Isaiah and some of the great Old Testament prophets in some ways as defenders of slavery.
In some ways, somebody with autism isn't like any child at all, any normally developing child at all.
And then also you consider, in some ways, free people who may exist as clients.
In some ways I think that that's because the poem Lycidas seems in some ways to solve the problem of Milton's waiting, this problem that he has of needing to wait.
This account should be instantly recognizable as the state of modern democracy in some ways.
So you could have--be consuming fat that is in itself good for heart health let's say, or maybe protective against cancer in some ways, but it's also adding calories to the diet, so you want to have the optimal amount of fat and not over-consume it because of the calories.
The other problem is that as it was passed from me to another individual, to another individual, then the vaccine could change in some ways that were hard to predict because what accumulates in the lesion in my arm is different in some way than what accumulates in the lesion on a cow.
which also makes it sort of, in some ways, easy to jump from one to the next.
Modernism in Eliot and Pound is, in some ways, founded on expatriation, on a kind of internationalism.
He is full of a kind of understandable self-pity, and his speeches are in some ways more characteristic of the gloomy intellectual milieu that is reflected in Chekhov's text really than almost anyone else's.
You know, it's just a very different skill and in some ways a different way of thinking.
There'll never be a war over it, but theywould in some ways like to be independent.
there are a lot of Asian people there, which is nice, um, in some ways