So in sum, Kaufman's argument is this: Israel conceived of the divine in an entirely new way. Israel's God differed from the pagan gods in his essential nature. The pagan gods were natural gods.
And he defined the average in terms of not the sum divided by two, but he chose the geometric mean.
So, to sum up, there are three main findings about you that come out in social psychology.
And what's important to keep in mind about formal charge is if we have a neutral atom, such as we did in thionyl chloride here, the sum of the individual formal charges on individual atoms within the molecule have to equal 0.
It does represent the sum, in the sense that if i gave you four bucks and I gave you five bucks, I gave you effectively nine.
If the product is just the sum or multiple of a sum of the inputs, there wouldn't be much of a point working in a team at all.
A mobile army of metaphors, metonymies, anthropomorphisms in short, a sum of human relations which became poetically and rhetorically intensified," "and are now no longer of account as coins but are debased."
In fact, there are some very old books that show this as the average, the sum divided by two arithmetic mean, but the modern practice is to use the geometric mean.