Now it's not entirely clear that Milton has been successful in sufficiently vilifying Mammon's project of the excavation of riches.
Milton's interest in moments of blurriness and of visual indistinctness suggest that the distinction between good and evil is actually never that clear.
Yeah, I think I'll make that clear line, meaning the... like again, Israeli politics doesn't really, in that case doesn't really break down religiously.
So the writer seems very determined to tell the story in a way that depicts God as acting not capriciously but according to certain clear standards of justice.
In fact, the famous frontispiece of the book, which is reproduced in your edition, although it is not altogether very clear.
This wasn't just the results of centuries of neglect, it is clear that they were built in order to be buried.
Just to be clear, so it's heat extracted over the work in.
Now, the strategy here is pretty clear. As often is for the continuous problem. What's the strategy? I pour in the gold till I run out of gold.
I wouldn't say we're doing that constantly, but we certainly force ourselves to do it when there are new clear disruptions and whenever there's a clear crisis in the business.
Maybe when people make the claim, it's not clear which of these things they've got in mind.
If the meaning is not clear in the poem, we judge the poem a failure.
Now, in some countries and in some jurisdictions the law might not be entirely clear on that; they might say there are other stakeholders.
He makes it clear that utility is the only standard of morality, in his view, so he's not challenging Bentham's premise. He's affirming it.
Just so that we are clear, this is the bond in this compound.
All right, so it might be that again, the problem with enforcement, although actually in 1880 America, it's not clear that they couldn't have enforced that contract.
And the elections in the early 1880s would certainly make this clear.