On their first day of class in the fall of 2007, we have 41 students in our class this year.
Just last fall there were some events in the world celebrating the bicentennial of Dalton's scientific achievements.
Now, he hasn't yet settled on the topic of the Fall, the fall of Adam and Eve from their place of bliss in the Garden of Eden.
That percent grew to the peak of the market in 1999; after the peak in 2000 it began to fall.
Deuteronomy contains northern traditions from before the fall of Israel which was in 722, but it was clearly finalized in the exile.
He would fall over the bridge onto the track right in the way of the trolley car.
Given we are living in Princeton, especially this time of a year, when in the fall.
Well, I actually think the Russian formalists can be defended against the charge that, unbeknownst to themselves, they fall back in to form-content distinctions by insisting on this variety of dualities.
Well, you could understand why he might fall into the trap of thinking of himself as located in Chicago with all the visual inputs coming from Chicago.
I'm going to contrast that with the situation in Greece after the fall of the Mycenaean world, and I was going to say not just in the Mycenaean towns themselves, but over the entire Aegean Sea and indeed across the Mediterranean.
And on specific holidays that deal with the themes of nature in the fall.
If you're talking about the year 750 or something like that it's-- I think it's in the hands, well, it is in the hands of the Assyrians and it will ultimately fall into the hands of the Persians.
Another characteristic of these years, which scholars refer to as the Dark Ages, just as they do the years after the fall of the Roman Empire-- dark for two reasons. Dark, in the most obvious way, because we don't have any writing, no record of them.
Our best science suggests that a well-functioning body can perform these things, can think and plan and fall in love by virtue of the fact that the brain is functioning properly.