This is what Levi-Strauss says in taken from one of Levi-Strauss' most famous books] The Raw and the Cooked.
- If you eat these raw, which they do in many places around the world, if you eat a bitter one, you could, in fact, get enough cyanide to kill you.
So there can be no "raw" without, in a certain sense, the prior existence of "cooked."
Another way of saying it is, anything that uses get float doesn't care what the details are inside or shouldn't, and if I change that definition, I don't have to change anything elsewhere in my code, whereas if I just have the raw code in there, I have to go off and do it.
So, not at a horribly advanced age, I would like to think, he went to Lyon, which was a capital of the Resistance because they have all these things called traboules in Lyon, was one reason--they're passageways where you'd keep the silk, raw silk dry.
Cooked" brings "raw" into being in exactly the way culture brings nature into being.
Levi-Strauss' famous book, The Raw and the Cooked, essentially stages this critique in and of itself.
I'm doing a little trick by the way, I'm using raw input in my function here as a just a way to stop the display.