It turns out everything around us moves energy around in one way or the other If you're a biological system, you're burning calories, burning ATP.
he turns to a chandelier which is draped in a covering. It's draped in a tarp.
So, if we compare the sulfur to the oxygen, the oxygen it turns out is more electronegative and that is what holds the negative charge in this molecule.
So in "At a Solemn Music" and in the poem "Arcades," Milton turns to what he considered to be the greatest song of all: the music of the heavenly spheres.
But it turns out that technologies like airplanes, which were developed in the last century, have become integral parts of medicine.
Even though these best responses are pretty complicated it turns out that there's only one Nash Equilibrium in this game.
As much as I might talk on stage twice a week it turns out that it's really by doing and really by diving in and getting your hands dirty that you really take away the course's lessons.
What is happening is it turns out that putting the electrons in that lower energy state is stabilizing that molecule So that works.
The soldier becomes, in fantasy here, the spectator, as the war turns around and comes back, reversed by a kind of evil charm or spell, coming home.
And off he goes, and he sulks in his tent for the next nine books, and this turns out to be a serious problem for them.
然后他真就走了,他回到自己的帐篷收拾东西,他这一走 问题就大了
And if he ever admires any soldiers, he turns in that direction.
It turns out, to a tremendous degree, and you could imagine yourself in that situation, they choose this one, the one that wasn't the one they turned down.
In fact, people do consume foods with cholesterol, but most of the cholesterol in the body is synthesized from foods that don't have cholesterol itself but have fat that the body turns into cholesterol.
It turns out we can express all these functions in terms of G, G we wouldn't need to choose G, but it's a very useful function to choose.
So it turns out that during that period in which they were dead, they were only temporarily not P-functioning.
It turns into something durable that will outlast them. So, the problem with art is in a sense that it is immortal.
So that's promising. We did, in fact, see red in our spectrum, and it turns out that that's exactly the wavelength that we see is that we're at 657 nanometers.