In fact, you could be sitting three years from now waiting before commencement and you can get that grade adjusted.
Let's say you are in an office, that's say, the doctor's office, and you're waiting a really long time.
They are waiting till 11pm to 2am in the morning and then you speak to one of them. -Right.
If I looked within the skin, one of the lower layers of your skin, the connective tissue layer, you'd find many fibroblasts there and they're just waiting in a more rounded shape than this, just waiting to do their job.
and you still have not received the phone calls. So you're in your room, waiting, waiting, waiting
I can't stand waiting in line.
In some ways I think that that's because the poem Lycidas seems in some ways to solve the problem of Milton's waiting, this problem that he has of needing to wait.
The image here that comes to mind for me is one of these deposed kings who ends up waiting on tables to make a living in New York.