Well...inequalities are growing in India and the poor of course benefit when there is high growth becasue their incomes rise but inequalities also rise.
then hopefully that should have a beneficial effect for those who have lower incomes.
Then they raised it to 5% 5% on incomes over $10,000.
And even they agree income has gone up that remains untaxed, more important becasuse agriculture incomes are not that high and the moral case for taxing people who are not growing as fast as...is not that strong.
those who make higher incomes pay higher percentage of taxes,
The debt of a company is the amount of money it owes either to banks, or to bond holders, or to note holders, or commercial paper holders; these are fixed incomes.
Most of our fixed incomes, as they're called-- which are assets that are denominated in currency-- Most of our debts are written in money terms and people can't get over this framing in terms of money.
The tax, as of 1862, was 3% on incomes 3% over $600 a year.
It's important--that's one reason why we want policies that encourage equality of incomes-- not necessarily equality, but reasonable equality-- because the people with very low wealth have a very high marginal utility of income and people with very high wealth have very little.