It's this kind of wealth that allow them to fight this long, hard war of independence, which they finally win.
And the Scottish are often asking for independence.
I think assertions of national identity and independence are often predicated on differentiation from others.
because you read the Bill of Rights, for example, The Declaration of Independence, citizens have a duty to put a new government if it is not serving well the people.
That's why we need independence of the central bank; we want to have a central banker that can say no to the government.
But Plato's Republic recognizes no such separation or no such independence for a private sphere.
Which would of course cripple the global economy, because as much as we want to win our independence from oil, most of our oil were still coming from the Middle East.
We see it in the American Declaration of Independence.
How much independence does it take?
Reason, although it was employed for all sorts of practical and intellectual purposes in some of these cultures, it still lacked independence from religion and it lacked the high status to challenge the most basic received ideas.
And by the way, we, the people of progress, are rooted in those principles of the Declaration of Independence" which are written down essentially as creeds "And, oh and by the way, we have a written Constitution we actually wrote it down, we have a Bill of Rights where we declare these things on paper, unlike the Brits."
In Japan in 1997 the government of Japan granted the Bank of Japan independence like the U.S. central bank.
The only relationship that will work with humans is perhaps one in which there is a balance between unchecked independence and blind obedience, And God seems to find that relationship with Jacob.
One of the first principles of probability is the idea of independence.
In other words, we should not care what people say about us, but we should be prepared to develop qualities of self-containment, autonomy and independence from the influence that others can exercise over us.
It is the center of his life and it explains the Greeks devotion to the independence, to the autonomy of the polis, and their desire to beautify and make it as great as it could possibly be.