This indicates that by combining two lithiums, the energy of the combined system is lower than the energies of the atomic systems.
You'll also know that all of these binding energies here are negative, so the negative sign indicates that it's low.
I think that that indicates that something of the kind is going on.
The crucial point about the syllabus is that it indicates what reading you need to have done for any given week.
It indicates how information flows in cells and indicates a lot about the work that a cell does in maintaining and recreating itself, and maintaining its environment.
这个图展示了信息如何在细胞内传递,以及细胞,在维持 复制自身,和维持其周围环境所需起的作用
And what's interesting about it, and what indicates its importance to Buddy, is that Bessie gets on about him getting a phone ; where he's teaching in upstate New York; he's teaching writing as a visiting writer at a college in upstate New York. And Bessie, his mother, keeps saying, "Well, why won't you get a phone, Buddy?
And everything that has happened since the new administration s how the administration as a whole sees it.
So we have if, and that is followed by, I'm going to use angle braces here just to indicates something goes in here, some test followed by a colon.
G2 is a phase that indicates the gap between when DNA synthesis occurs and when the next mitotic event occurs.
Imagine that when everybody's born, on their wrist everybody's born with a natural birthmark that indicates the precise year, day, and time in which they're going to die.